I practiced gratitude daily, and this is what I got.
"Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, or worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude." - Denis Waitley
I have been practicing gratitude daily for weeks now. Through this, I have found that actively practicing gratitude has put me in a higher vibrational state, which shapes the rest of my day. The universe responds to our thoughts. We are a magnet and naturally attract the energy we send out into the world. Instead of focusing on what I don't want in my life, or what I don't have, I have been focusing on what I DO have. Focusing on what I want, and not what I don't want. I have been through more than I thought I could handle this past year, and I realized how much has actually changed for the better. I have also manifested how much I have grown to love myself more each day.
Every morning, before I my feet hit the floor, I think of AT LEAST three things I am grateful for. As much as possible, I try to write these down in my gratitude journal. This allows me to go back and remember how blessed I am when I am feeling down. Here are a few things you can begin with each day.
- If you are reading this, start with being grateful for the vision you have.
- Waking up alive and healthy
- Being able to feel
- My morning coffee or tea - CLEAN water to drink
- The opportunities I have to achieve what I want
- My education
- Nature
- That compliment from a stranger
- A song that I enjoy listening to
- That unexpected source of income you received
GRATITUDE turns what we have into ENOUGH.
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