About Me

My name is Jade Christine. As a youth, I grew up highly aware of certain eating habits that my family members practiced. In my early teens, I began to notice many highly preventable health issues as a result of poor eating habits. When I was ten years old, my mother became vegan as a result of wanting to change her lifestyle. These observations evoked awareness towards what I consumed and how I treated my body, which has positively impacted my personal health and nutritional regimen. My passion for good health aspired me to enter the healthcare industry as a dietetics professional. 

This blog is a tool that I would like to use to share my life with you. It is a safe place to grow, learn, make mistakes, and share experiences. Good health not only comes from eating healthfully, but also our mindset. Good health is also a result of proper self-love habits such as our thoughts, the words we tell ourselves (affirmations), and the way we take care of our soul. I have my up and down days. As an aspiring dietetics professional, I don't always eat or drink the way I would like to everyday. I don't always exercise as much as I would like to. I don't always think the thoughts I should. I want to be as authentic as possible sharing my journey with you. I want to take life by the horns and be proud of the person I am growing into. Stay tuned as I share my experiences with you.
